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"Really enjoyed my night dive with Night Diving Phuket off Kata beach, saw heaps of Cuttlefish & the boulders were kinda spooky, going to do the Karon beach dive shortly."
- Brian Johnson
"The guys that run NDP are actually really good at what they do, if you think you won't find/see anything on the reef at night, you are completely wrong. Awesome dive, thanks guys!"
- Glenn
"Nudibranch, Cuttlefish, Decorator crabs, plus a 90 minute dive. Top stuff, would definitely do it again!"
- Amy Broadhurst
"Me and the missus dove with NDP a few weeks ago off Karon Beach, was surprised at the reef quality for a beach dive. Miles of corals and the Instructors know the reef backwards! Scatter was medium."
- Gaven T